Thursday, October 9, 2008

Que Sarah, Sarah Palin

So, John McCain names a woman as his vice presidential running mate to woo disappointed Hillary supporters to vote for him?
Who does he think we are? Men, who lose 20 IQ points at the mere sight of a pair of large boobs?
"Que Sarah, Sarah" column, NY Daily News, Sept. 10, 2008.

Dubbing foreign films should be banned

In American films dubbed into Spanish every character sounds like a graduate of Mexico's Zona Rosa School of Telenovela Enunciation.
"I Lost it at the Movies" column, NY Daily News, August 6, 2008.

Breathing While Female

Consider this: In the U.S., a woman is raped every six minutes, and one is battered every 15 seconds. Worldwide, 4 million women and girls, some as young as 10 years old, are trafficked annually for sexual slavery.
"Breathing While Female" column, NY Daily News, July 16, 2008.

My Barrio's a-changin

New York City's East Harlem, also know as El Barrio, is losing its character as it gains in development. "Paradise Lost" column, NY Daily News, June 4, 2008.

A Santo for Every Ocassion

A Patron Saint for computers? And typists? Ay Santa Tecla! "Modern Holy Helpers" Daily News column, May 7, 2008.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Guacamole Moments

The "macaca moment" is quickly displacing the "bimbo eruption" as the most lethal career-ending slip of the tongue for politicians. Now comes the "guacamole gaffes" which will surely turn off plenty of Latino voters.
Read my NY Daily News column of April 16, 2008, Guacamole Moments.

Mujeres al borde

Debe aprobarse una ley que inmediatamente prohiba a hombres prominentes utilizar a sus esposas de telon de fondo durante ruedas de prensa para confesar que han sido infieles.
Op-ed in Spanish published El Diario/La Prensa, March 13, 2008: Mujeres el borde de un ataque de dignidad

Mothers of Invention

It's Women's History Month, again. What's there to celebrate: The "Cuernos Sisterhood"? Lip plumpers?
Read my NY Daily News column of March 12, 2008, Mothers of Invention.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Political pundits need new playbook

We're in the middle of a truly historic presidential campaign. Yet most of the media panels of pundits and "experts" consist of white males, with a pundette or two thrown in to play Kemo Sabe to their Lone Rangers. I get palpitations every time a group of opinionistas discusses the Latino vote and rehashes the platitude du jour: Brown people don't vote for black people. . .
Op-ed piece NY Daily News, March 12, 2008 Pundits Need a New Playbbok When it Comes to Latino Voters

Super Tuesday Latino Vote

"Ugly Betty" may have trumped Oprah in the California primaries, but the power of celebrity endorsements was not what was at stake on February 5.
Read my February 13, 2008 Daily News column Rockeando the Vote

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hillary or Obama?

Minority boomerettes face an historical dilemma this primary season: Hillary or Obama. Whose dream shall be deferred? Check out my NY Daily News column, Political Wrinkles